Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Computers have been linked across the world through the Internet. Yet the CPU is nothing more than a brute force mechanism of pushing massive amounts of data to search for patterns, evaluate and analyze through algorithms, etc.

I am extremely excited about the very early stages of what I am calling Mind-Meshes coming into being through the Internet across the globe. A Mind-Mesh is a grid of human brains working on a very large and complex problem. Even more so, it the subconscious working of these brains where the problem is read into and forgotten by the conscious mind.

An example of what I am calling a Mind-Mesh is Galaxy Zoo - the project which harnesses the power of the Internet - and your brain - to classify a million galaxies.

I read (need citation) that the conscious mind works at approximately 2 mega bits per second, while the subconscious mind works at 4 giga bits per second. A Mind-Mesh could produce breakthroughs unimaginable.

I have been tempted to lump Mind-Meshes into the phenomenon called "the wisdom of the crowds" by James Surowiecki. Mind-Meshes are distinct in that the individual brains may not interact with each other at all. The independent brain may after background processing realize a breakthrough and publish it that then becomes input through one of the five senses back into the meshed minds. I believe it is the ruthlessly efficient background processing power or the subconscious mind's ability that is the essence of Mind-Meshes. Click here for the blog "Polling the Crowd Within" by Wray Herbert appearing on Psychological Science.

Click here for a similar article on The Economist discussing a study conducted recently. Excerpt below:

"The two researchers asked 428 people eight questions drawn from the “CIA World Factbook”: for example, “What percentage of the world’s airports are in the USA?” Half the participants were unexpectedly asked to make a second, different guess immediately after they completed the initial questionnaire. The other half were asked to make a second guess three weeks later.

Dr Vul and Dr Pashler found that in both circumstances the average of the two guesses was better than either guess on its own. They also noticed that the interval between the first and second guesses determined how accurate that average was. Second guesses made immediately improved accuracy by an average of 6.5%; those made after three weeks improved the accuracy by 16%.

The quest is how to output the continuously improving outcomes and results in a Mind-Mesh and feed them back into the mesh for the rest of the minds to use it as a leap forward, discard a course of thinking, learn from the method used to develop the outcome, etc. We must not think of the Mind-Mesh in standardized grid model. The best part of the Mind-Mesh is that the brain that is doing the processing is continuously receiving input on many other subjects. It is the couldron of adjacencies - see my blog on adjacency in innovation here.

Perhaps this is the difference between the CPU that can develop some-thing given specific or semi-specific instructions while the mind can create, can induct or deduct, based on learnings over a period of a lifetime. I believe I will have an interesting discussion with my friend Dr. Manuel Aparicio - Co-Founder and CEO of Saffron Technology on Mind-Meshes. Dr. Aparicio's solutions use memory based entity analytics driven by matrices and memories.

This reminds me of Mr. Bud Whitmeyer's company NuTech Solution's and Dr. Thomas Back's work on evolution based agent based modeling. I believe the human brain cannot be trumped yet due to its massive consumption and retention of information gleaned through the five senses while processing that information based on previous experiences to extract knowledge and facts that become the decision processing algorithm for the mind.

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