Yet, that is where the breakthroughs exist today, just beyond the boundaries. Technology has enabled the availability of knowledge that was created and retained within an individual over years.
Researchers at Harvard recently conducted experiments to further validate the above fact, and more commonly known as the Invisible Gorilla.
"He took a picture of a man in a gorilla suit shaking his fist, and he superimposed that image on a series of slides that radiologists typically look at when they're searching for cancer. He then asked a bunch of radiologists to review the slides of lungs for cancerous nodules. He wanted to see if they would notice a gorilla the size of a matchbook glaring angrily at them from inside the slide."
"But they didn't: 83 percent of the radiologists missed it, Drew says."
"This wasn't because the eyes of the radiologists didn't happen to fall on the large, angry gorilla. Instead, the problem was in the way their brains had framed what they were doing. They were looking for cancer nodules, not gorillas, so "they look right at it, but because they're not looking for a gorilla, they don't see that it's a gorilla.""
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